Farnborough International, home to the world’s most prestigious aerospace events, is now setting an exhilarating pace on the ground too as host of The Aftermarket Event.

Ryan Fuller, Managing Director of DFA Media Group said: "We are very much looking
forward to holding the inaugural Aftermarket Event at Farnborough International this October. It’s the perfect venue to bring you the very best from the UK garage sector.

"With a central location, free parking, and outstanding facilities, we believe it will tick all the boxes for our visitors!

"Farnborough has long been the nation’s go-to destination for today’s and tomorrow’s pioneers. On October 2-3, it will be the focus for everyone working in and around the garage trade – showcasing technology, skills, and the latest information and data powering all aspects of the aftermarket."

To register for The Aftermarket Event, click here.